Change of Schedule

No more weekly posts ¶

So I lied. Two weeks into my resolution and I’ve failed. The unfortunate reality is that some things take time to get right and sticking to a once per week schedule is too hard without sacrificing some depth and quality.

From this moment forth, the “on-schedule” post will be once every two weeks and all other timelines (i.e. posts with no timeline) will come whenever they are ready. As an example, I wanted to write a post on Hemingway, Salinger, and the “iceberg theory” or more generally, my thoughts on writing techniques and styles.

It started off great but the more of it I wrote, the more depth and detail I realised I would need to go into for the post to be of any value. I’m not the greatest writer, and emotive language is not my preference. But good things take time, and I’ll take my time with it.

So yea, as always, thanks for reading this!

PS: I will amend my previous post to state “once a fortnight” or equivalent.