
Hi, It’s me. Who the hell is this me person being referred to?

My name is Sebastian Lau.

I have completed a postgraduate BA(Hons) degree in Linguistics, and hold a BSc in Computer Science and a BA in Linguistics from the University of Auckland.

I built this site in part as something to put on the CV and in part as a platform for me to express my thoughts, something I rarely do so openly. As a forewarning, this means that posts may be stream of consciousness or may read as incoherent thoughts stitched together.

My interests include technology, gaming, keyboards, linguistics, reading, writing, and thinking. The posts here may cover my interests, life updates, site updates, and other topics.

I would like a real job doing something in technology and wouldn’t mind also writing on the side, so hit me up below if anyone’s interested.

To get in touch with me or see what I’m up to, feel free to look through my Linktree.