A New Year 2021

Jan 17, 2021 ¶

Blah, blah, blah, 2020 was a terrible year. Done.

In the never-ending spirit tradition of setting a new year’s resolution that we don’t keep to, I thought I’d set a resolution given that we’re still in the opening days of the new year, i.e. it’s still January. I’ve still got time to start

I promise to write at least one post per fortnight, or at the bare minimum, once a month.

There you go.

This is the first post, obviously. But I am genuinely aiming to do one per week. They probably won’t be big ones unless I’ve done a whole lot of work (which is unlikely for most of my projects) but they will hopefully be coherent.

If anyone tracks the changes on my site (bless you!), you may have noticed some posts disappear. I somewhat curate my public persona and so certain posts that were incoherent, rambling or poorly written have been removed. However, I intend to replace those posts with equivalent entries.

Here is a list of posts (to sleep better at night, jokes!) I intended to write last year but never did:

  • Borderlands3 a Year Late
  • Building the Gk64
  • Hunter (a short story, in progress)
  • Recover Tnaf a Review (The Naked and Famous)
  • Rewriting New Horizons (may revisit)
  • The Dreamers Club (rebranded)

In other news, I’ve started another project. But you’ll have to wait for a post aptly titled “Projects” for news on that front.

Anyways, as always, thanks for reading!